Our trip started in Minneapolis where we met up with Grandma Gretchen then off to Fergus Falls, MN.
Rachel met her Great Grandma Vi and it was love at first sight, she literally jumped out of my arms to get to Great Gram!

We spent a few days in Fergus, hanging with family, feeding the geese at Lake Alice and checking out the local hot spots.
Then we were off to Lake Metigoshe, North Dakota for the Frees Family Reunion. Rachel really enjoyed the 5 hour drive! It was definitely worth it though once we got to the lake and she saw how many cousins there were to play with her. She loved the lake, swing and trampoline! We spent the 4th of July up there and saw lots of beautiful fireworks. 

Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren
Children of Pete and Vi

On the way back to Fergus Falls we visited the geographical center of North America in Rugby, ND.

Back in Fergus we spent more time with Great Grandma, visited Pebble Beach before driving back to Minneapolis to part ways with Grandma Gretchen.

Rachel and her Great Aunt Deedee at Pebble
Rachel decided she missed Daddy and didn't want to go back to San Diego so at the last minute we decided to hop on over to New York City! We joined Dad at the Ritz Carlton in Central Park for 4 days. Rachel decided she liked New York but the Ritz was too fancy for her, she didn't like her crib and would cry every night. She loved strolling around the city with Mommy though, we had the best time.
Rachel in Times Square
Meeting a horse in Central Park
Hanging on the great lawn in Central Park

In front of the Frik
Eloise at the Plaza!!
Eating the plate at the tea party with Dad and Eloise
In front of FAO Shwartz
Who wants to buy me the giant doggie?
Muppet Workshop
The Giant Piano
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