Friday, December 24, 2010

Bad Santa

We traveled to Texas for the holidays and then Scott and I took a little side trip to Jamaica which we just returned from.  We were so excited to see our little girl when we got back and to take her to meet Santa on Christmas Eve!  We headed to the mall where Santa was stationed and let's just say it was not love at first sight, Rachel screamed and cried louder than ever.  They wouldn't even sell us a picture because she just looked so sad in all of them :(  We do have a video though! 

Grandpa is much better than Santa!

"Let's get out of this mall now Daddy"

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Chanukah and Skinny Jeans!

Last night marked a couple of firsts for Rachel, it was the first time she celebrated Chanukah and her first pair of skinny jeans!  "Aunt" Lindsey came over and showered her favorite little girl with gifts for Chanukah.  She got two awesome books that she has been walking around the house with ever since and two pairs of jeans.  The jeans are the cutest things I have ever seen, they are perfect on Rachel and she loves them!

Just chillin in my skinny jeans

Tupperware can provide A LOT of entertainment

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