Friday, December 24, 2010

Bad Santa

We traveled to Texas for the holidays and then Scott and I took a little side trip to Jamaica which we just returned from.  We were so excited to see our little girl when we got back and to take her to meet Santa on Christmas Eve!  We headed to the mall where Santa was stationed and let's just say it was not love at first sight, Rachel screamed and cried louder than ever.  They wouldn't even sell us a picture because she just looked so sad in all of them :(  We do have a video though! 

Grandpa is much better than Santa!

"Let's get out of this mall now Daddy"

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Chanukah and Skinny Jeans!

Last night marked a couple of firsts for Rachel, it was the first time she celebrated Chanukah and her first pair of skinny jeans!  "Aunt" Lindsey came over and showered her favorite little girl with gifts for Chanukah.  She got two awesome books that she has been walking around the house with ever since and two pairs of jeans.  The jeans are the cutest things I have ever seen, they are perfect on Rachel and she loves them!

Just chillin in my skinny jeans

Tupperware can provide A LOT of entertainment

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Charger Time!

Daddy and Rachel cheer on their favorite football team!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


14 1/2 months and walking pretty good!

Daddy Day!

Rachel spent the afternoon with Daddy and Mommy at Seagrove Park!  It was fun to practice walking, eat a messy lunch and try to crawl into traffic.

I got this Dad.

Look! No hands.  And yes, most of my lunch is on my shirt.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hair Don'ts and Baby Do's

There really isn't too much to say.  This isn't a good look.

While the hair continues to do it's own thing,  Rachel is beginning to do some exciting new things!  About a week ago she decided to start clapping, we were in Vons grocery shopping and she did it out of the blue!  Ever since she has been clapping at everything and loves it when everyone gets excited.  She is also beginning to wave bye-bye!  Every night when she gets out of the bath I say "bye-bye bath" and wave to her toys, last night she waved also!  She had been practicing moving her little fingers in a waving motion for about a week now and she applied the skill last night for the first time.  Rachel is also making progress in the weight gaining department.  She had a weigh in at the doctor last week because at her one year appointment she was below the growth chart :(.  I am happy to report that thanks to daily peanut butter and butter sandwiches and lots of snacks Rachel is back on the chart!  She is just barely on the bottom weighing in at 18.4 lbs. but here's hoping that a few more pb&b sandwiches and she will be on her way to being a chubber...or at least staying on the chart.   

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Daddy was in Boston for work this year so Rachel and I spent her second Halloween together.  We started the morning with a nice hike up Torrey Pines with great aunt Donna and cousin Kristin, Rachel rode up in a hiking backpack.  She loved it for the first half and the bumpiness of the trail put her to sleep for the rest of the hike, she missed the ocean views and beach parts :(  but she had a nice snooze.
Later, we trick or treated at the shopping center by our house.  We went to a few shops and got some candy then hung out by the fountain.
Mommy tried to put my ladybug hat on....yeah right!  

Trick or Treat

Can I go swimming now?

Later in the evening we went to our friend Kensley's house to trick or treat in her neighborhood.  

Kensley and Rachel

No one is looking, quick eat the candy!

"Ummm...I think these are pretzels. That's ok, we just chew on the wrappers anyway."

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bates Nut Farm

Visit from the Midwest

My cousin Dan came to visit us this weekend from Milwaukee, Wisconsin!  It was his very first trip to California so Rachel and I made sure to show him a good time, we took in all the sights in San Diego and did a little surfing.
Practicing Walking in La Jolla, getting so close!

 Balboa Park Botanical  Garden

 Chillin in a hammock at the Wavehouse 

 The BIG wave

 Rachel and Mommy will stick to swinging in the hammock, leave the surfing to cousin Danny!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lady Bugs, Bees, Dragons and Kitties, OH MY!

Rachel and her buddies; Taylor, Kensley and Abby decided it was a good day to take their parents to Bates Nut Farm for some pumpkin picking!  There was an awesome petting zoo with baby goats (adorable) and turkey, chicken, duck hybrids (not adorable).  Daddy enjoyed the kettle corn and Rachel's snacks which seem to be a hit with Baby and Daddy.  We left the farm with two nice pumpkins for mom and dad and one little baby pumpkin for Rachel.  It was a really fun day!

Taylor & Lisa, Rachel & Jen, Erica & Kensley

Daddy & Rachel, so happy together 

 Dragon, why are you so sad?

 Let me see if this pumpkin tastes alright...

 Yep, it's good!  
 I'm confused????

 Hi, Abby

 Our little Family

 Hang on babies, I will push you!

 I wonder how many pumpkins we could put in there? 

Trick or Treat!
Happy Halloween

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